Booking a Class / Class Reservations

Everyone must register for class in advance through the AVA Fitness app. We have limited space in each class and we don’t want to turn anyone away.

Waitlist Bookings & Reservations

If you are on the wait-list and get bumped into a class, our system will notify you via push notification or email (please make sure you have your app notifications turned ON). If you get moved from the wait-list into the class and can no longer make it, you will be given a 4 hour grace period to “early cancel” without penalty. If you do not get moved into a class from the wait-list please do not remove yourself as the system will automatically credit that class back to your account after the class has ended.

Class Cancellations

We have a 12 hour cancellation policy. You must give 12 hours notice if you need to cancel a class otherwise you will be considered a “late cancel” and that class will be deducted from your package or membership. We are not unreasonable and we understand things happen; if you have an emergency that prohibits you from attending your class, please email us to discuss your options.

Late Policy

We have a 5 minute late policy. Late arrivals will not be allowed to enter class due to missing the warmup (this is for your safety) and will be considered a “no show or late cancel” and that class will be deducted from your package or membership. Again, we are not unreasonable and we understand major traffic, skytrain delays (and other urgent matters) can delay things. If something happens which prohibits you from getting to your class on time, please call us at 604-544-7166 or email us to discuss your options.

Refund Policy

We do not offer refunds for any reason.

Membership Cancellations

All memberships require 30 days notice to cancel after a minimum of 6 months of membership has been in place. Once you have completed 6 months on your membership and you wish to cancel, please send an email to us at stating that you would like to give your 30 days notice.

Package Expiration Dates

All class packages expire 6 months from the purchase date. We do not offer extensions for any reason except injuries. If you need to take time off due to an injury, you will need to send in a doctors note to our studio manager at as soon as possible to discuss.

Package & Membership Holds

We do not offer Package or Membership freezes or holds for vacations or illness. If you need to take time off due to an injury, you will need to send in a doctors note to our studio manager at as soon as possible to discuss a hold and extension.

Class Numbers

We allow the following numbers in each class; 12 people per pole class, 12 people per stretch/flexibility/mat class, 8 people per fitness or floor dance class and 6 people per aerial class. We have 8 poles and 3 aerial rigging points. If you are uncomfortable sharing a pole or aerial apparatus with somebody else, we completely respect that but our studio might not be the best fit for you.

Studio Etiquette

  • We are excited to see your cheerful face, so remember to check in at reception upon your arrival.

  • Please remove your outdoor shoes before entering our beautiful studios.

  • Hold on a moment! Please avoid passing through the fitness/aerial room to access the washrooms during class without permission.

  • Attention! Refrain from using the pole or aerial equipment until instructed by a teacher after the warm-up.

  • Stay focused on your instructor and enjoy following the well thought out lesson plan we have prepared for you.

  • Hold on, thrill-seekers! Do not attempt new moves without approval from our certified instructors.

  • Need help? Simply raise your hand and request assistance if you are unsure about a movement.

  • Keep your phones away during class – no calls, texts, or videos allowed. Capture your moments during the post-lesson video/selfie time!

  • Remember to tag us and your amazing instructors. Please use our #hashtags when sharing your studio photos and videos! #avafitness

  • Let's spread love, not stress! Leave your worries behind and enjoy immersing yourself in the world of the AVA community!